Useful links for families
Our partnerships with other organisations and charities allow us to create a vast network of support for military families everywhere. If you are a military family or know of one in need, don't hesitate to reach out to us for support and assistance. We are always here to help.
'The Naval Children’s Charity has been helping Naval Children since 1825, for nearly 200 years. If you serve or have served in the Naval Service (Royal Navy, Royal Marines, QARNNS, WRNS, Reserves or Royal Fleet Auxiliary) and you have a child/children up to and including the age of 25 we may be able to help you.'
'Aggie’s Pastoral Workers are based in and around various Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Royal Fleet Auxiliary establishments across the UK, and generally work in close collaboration with the Naval Chaplaincy Service. Their primary role is to provide ‘pastoral support’ – by which we mean that they are there to listen to you when you need to talk, to encourage, comfort and support. They will also have knowledge of where specialist advice is available should you need it.'
'Sometimes it can be difficult to find the help, support or advice you need. We’re here to help by providing support, driving change and championing RN and RM serving families as they navigate both serving and civilian life challenges.'

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